14″ x 11″ – Oil on Linen
I really like the immediacy and spontaneity of this painting. It’s a two layer alla prima portrait without an underpainting. (Painted in just a few sittings) I painted this piece while searching for a way to abstract and add complex color notations to the portrait. If you can’t tell by my other work, I do not want to paint a classical portrait. I often look for ways to push my work in new directions. I like to experiment and let a painting take me to new places. In this instance,, plastic wrap over the model’s face was used to help me do this.
Swipe through the images to see my painting process. I often begin with a graphite drawing, then apply an initial underpainting layer. However with this painting, the underlayer was buttery and thicker. To see more of my painting process and additional updates join me on Instagram. You can also see me varnishing this painting on my Youtube channel or below.