39″ x 55″ Oil Painting on Aluminum A contemporary figure painting inspired by classical oil painting techniques of figures wrestling each other. A maddening struggle,
39″ x 55″ Oil Painting on Aluminum A contemporary figure painting inspired by classical oil painting techniques of figures wrestling each other. A maddening struggle,
10.5″ Oil Painting on Aluminum A painting of four colorful hands in a struggle, one is reaching out between the rest. The circular composition is
24″ x 36″ Oil Painting on Aluminum A painting of a woman (or multiple women) seated cross-legged with disembodied limbs. The figures appear from multiple
13″ x 20″ Oil Painting on Aluminum In this painting “Her Secret”, we catch a momentary glimpse of the face peering underneath the pale and
24″ x 30″ Oil Painting on Aluminum Spellbound has been composed and painted during the Covid-19 pandemic in February 2021. The lighter color pallet and
The disembodied fists transcend any one particular moment and are meant to illustrate strength and frailty of consciousness and the depth to which we experience
In The Nursery is meant to illustrate the strength and frailty of consciousness and the depths to which we experience the human condition. The woman is displaced, out
A colorful figure assembled from multiple images. The three images on this page show the three distinct stages of my painting process.
In the Nursery is a three color conte drawing of a calm and displaced set of figures in a fetal position. The rich and fiery