Solo Exhibition of Paintings by Scott Hutchison
Fred Schnider Gallery
March 6th – April 24th, 2021
Call To Schedule and Appointment: 301.852.8042
Available Hours: Thurs – Sun, 12-7pm
Location: 888 N. Quincy St #102, Arlington VA 22203
Scott Hutchison’s paintings and drawings are comprised of overlapping figures stitched together in one
composition. His artwork is multifaceted, abstracted, and appears to be in motion – not just physically,
but psychologically as well – evoking the idea that our identity is also in flux. Though we are singular
beings, our psyche is not. We are molded in part by time and our life experiences.
The people in Scott’s work personify strength and frailty of consciousness and the depths to which we
experience the human condition. The figures are displaced, out of sync like ghosts or layered memories,
both timeless and self-aware.
Scott’s work can be seen as a journal entry, the manifestation of a deep concern for place and purpose
in this world. He reassigns faces and body parts through a mixture of trial and error, coupled with
random chance and the need to create something from nothing. During this process, Scott is seeking
answers to a larger question: Who or what defines us as an individual? Are we here by accident, or is
there a greater purpose, or are we just a product of our culture and our experiences? His art is meant to
tug at the viewer and suggest that there may be more to this material world. Each piece is intentionally
shrouded in mystery, letting the viewer interpret its multitude of meanings.
Good day Professor Scott. I’m call Yosi. I’m from Cameroon, central Africa. I’m a painter too. I’m currently doing phd in art history. I wish to get connected to you for more skills and knowledge. Thanks for reaching out 🙏