I finished “Dreamtank” just in time for an exhibition titled Mind | Body | Soul at Joan Hisaoka Gallery here in Washington DC. I wanted to share the piece with you and speak about the last few touch ups I made to the work. It was a two year journey to finish and I am happy to be announcing that it will be on view on October 1st – December 21st 2019 at Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery: https://www.joanhisaokagallery.org/exhibitions#/mind-body-soul-healing-the-outside-from-within
Opening Reeption: Friday, October 4th from 7pm – 9pm
Artist’s Talk: Saturday, October 19th from lpm – 3pm
Programming:The Healing Arts Series
A Movement Performance by Donne Lewis
Friday, November 15th, 2019 at 7:30 PM
Closing date: Saturday, December 21st